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Stupidity at Work

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Even the best bosses can do stupid things. 
Here is your opportunity to publish a story of your boss at his or her dumbest.  You might not have been able to laugh then, but if you can laugh now, let us join in the fun.
Stories must be 200 words or less and submitted by October 31, 2009 for publication January 2010.  Each month we will select a new story.
BUT WAIT....Sometimes the boss gets the last laugh.  What is the funniest  thing an employee has ever done?
Same rules apply, 200 words or less and submitted by October 31, 2009 for publication January 2010. 
Stories of either sort submitted in November will be considered for publication in February, 2010, those submitted in December for March, 2010, and so on into the future.

I work in Human Resources for a large nonprofit organization. One day one of our warehouse workers came to me complaining that his boss had falsified his overtime with the expectation they would split the money 50/50.  The employee then went on to tell me that they had been splitting this money for at least six months.  I asked him twice if he had actually worked the overtime and was assured he had not.  Asked what he wanted me to do about it, he told me he wanted the non-profit to pay him back for the money he paid out to his supervisor.  This employee had no idea that what he had been doing was stealing.  Needless to say the supervisor, this employee and one other involved in the scheme were terminated.
The president of an insurance company based in Maryland hired his girlfriend as a business and marketing consultant to improve the image and sales of his business.  One of the major changes she wanted to make was to move the company from a poor community in Maryland to the wealthy area of Tyson's Corner, VA.   The cost of the move would be huge,reliable long-term employees
and new untried employees would have to be hired.  Upscale furnishings and high visibility advertising was arranged and the move went off much easier than expected.  There was only one problem with the move.  Insurance companies and their employees are STATE licensed.  This requirement was overlooked until after the move was made and the business was shut down for non-compliance.

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